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Monday, May 16, 2011


Sometimes I'd like to be rich,
live a life of easa...

Sometimes enough is enough,
what else do i need?

Sometimes I'm really happy..
until I forget myself..urghh

Sometimes I'm really sad,
nothing seems to work..

Sometimes I'm very careful what I say,
I don't want to offend anyone..

Sometimes I say what I like,
some get hurt..I'm so sorry.

Sometimes I get hit,
than I feel regret..

Sometimes I don't bother,
and afterwards I wish I had..

Sometimes I wish to forget,
but I can't..

Sometimes I get angry,
but do nothing..

Sometimes I want to scream..arghhhhhhhh
but shy that someone might hear me.

Sometimes I don't care about anything..
I just ignore..
I don't know what i want...

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