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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Warkah Untuk Si Dia

Walaupun sudah hampir 2 tahun berlalu....kau masih lagi mencari aku... Maafkan aku, hati ini dah tiada lagi perasaan untuk mu...... Segala kesakitan yang pernah dulu kau tinggalkan..kesannya masih ada sampai sekarang sehingga aku tidak bisa lagi membina hubungan baru.. Aku masih lagi mencari ruang untuk pulih, memperbaiki kelemahan diri aku......Untuk bakal suami ku...

Awak...pernah kah awak terfikir untuk berubah? Dekatkanlah diri mu kepada Dia Yang Maha Esa...Janganlah lagi terus-menerus hilang ditenggelami hiburan semata-mata...Hilangkah lah keegoan mu....Muhasabah diri, adalah jalan yang terbaik...Aku tidak pernah sesekali menyalahkan kamu 100%...Perasaan manusia,mana boleh dipaksa...Aku pula tidak cukup sempurna....Dah itu juga ketentuan Dia...

 Jika hari ini kau sedih....aku doakan kau cepat pulih....Berusahalah untuk menjadi seorang yang redha & tabah... Percayalah kepada ketentuan-Nya...Kebahagiaan yang dicari oleh manusia...bukannya sementara...Carilah kebahagiaan yang kekal abadi....Teruskan berdoa...Sesungguhnya....Allah itu Maha Mengasihani...Kerana Dia...aku semakin bahagia & tenang...Seorang kawan ku pernah berkata...Jika hati manusia dipenuhi dendam...kehidupan yang dilalui terus menjadi gelap...Tanpa cahaya... Dan jika kita saling memaafkan orang lain, hidup akan bertambah aman...damai...tiada lagi persengketaan...segala urusan akan dipermudahkan.....

Aku doakan kau bahagia...& sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki..Apa yang berlaku, ada hikmah nya...Maafkan aku jika sms mu tidak kubalas...Aku harap kau faham...Maafkan aku...

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Angin tak pernah berhenti.....
Kadang-kadang tenang,
Kadang-kadang taufan,
Namun ianya tetap berlalu,
Cuma pacakkan dirimu dengan kukuh...
Agar kamu...bisa berdiri tanpa jatuh.

Hujan rintik-rintik...
Kadang-kadang lebat,
Kadang-kadang renyai,
Biarlah matamu dibasahi...
Agar debu-debu kian hilang,
Kemudian, bangkitlah semula sayang....

Suara-suara halus...
Semakin membingitkan telinga...
Namun, kadang-kadang ada kebenarannya,
Kadang-kadang cuma lakonan semata-mata...
Bijaklah kamu memilihnya...
Jangan sekadar halwa telinga....

Tiba-tiba terus sepi...
Tiada lagi desiran angin..
Tiada lagi ribut..
Suara-suara kian hilang...
Aku ingin berehat seketika..
Agar aku bisa memikirkan dengan waras...
Agar tiada lagi bisikan yang mengendong aku ke arahnya...
Aku akan kembali...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Effective Presentation

Our aim is...end of your presentation, audience can:
·         Remembered
·         Appreciated

Challenges of oral presentation:
·         Only 12-15 minutes?
·         Audience are tired, not interested?
·         You’re nervous/ tired/ inexperience
·         QA Time

1. Get your priority straight
·         Good presentation no science à waste your time
·         Bad presentation, good science à wasted opportunity
·         Bad presentation, no science à you’re a waste
·         Good presentation and good science

2. Make sure there is science first
·      Don’t present if you have nothing good...the choice may guard your reputation/  
·      Never assume your audience is ignorant

3. Your audience is BOSS
·         Respect their present +attention
·         What type of conference? Wide? Specific?

4. Start with structuring
·         Divide your presentation into section and allocate number of slides + timing for each section.
·         General structure
        -          Present what you are going to present
        -          Present it
        -          Present again what you presented
·         Normal presentation:
        -          Title (not too long...try not to read the title)
         -          Outline (reveal the flow of presentation)
5. Content
  • Background (give history, problem statement, proposed solution...and not too much information)
  • Objective (highlight purpose of experiment..should be 1 or 2 objective for a 15 minute)
  • Method (suitable for the research)
  • Result (audience can see clearly)
  • Discussion (focus on relevant/interesting/breakthrough data related to your title/objective and clearly know the conditions of your finding)
  • Conclusion/ Suggestion (highlight your contribution to the field and give suggest future directions)
  • Acknowledgement and Thanks you

P/S: Tq Dr Alexander for the workshop...very interesting and I really enjoy it's.. (>_<)v

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


In the countless someday ahead,
I wonder...
When will my wish come true?
Or, will that time never come?
I keep thinking that I need to move forward,
But, I just can’t take that first step,
And I end up making excuses for myself,
I can’t turn time back even one second,
And I can’t see into the next second,
So, when I realize this,
I’II put my heart’s to trust..

Like the wind that blows across the seven seas,
I’m painting a dream of my future in blue,
When my heart is almost crushed,
I turn around and...
Always have another way there,
My dream...
Always passionately me,

Many shining miracles stir the waves,
This world is overflowing with them...
Such as the orange that, melts into the horizon,
But, even thought the line between fantasy and reality was broken,
I still won’t give up next time.

Looking for sunlight,
And growing like a flower bud,
That was shined on by your radiant smile,
I grew stronger...

Like the wind that blows across the seven seas,
The red flowers will bloom again tomorrow,
Even when the oasis in my heart,
And my breath has almost dried up,
I want to continue to feel the strength..

Even though this world revolves around sadness,
I’ll live in it because of my dream,
I’ll  spread my wings and soar..
And I fly....
And I’ll give hope and keep continue....