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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Effective Presentation

Our aim is...end of your presentation, audience can:
·         Remembered
·         Appreciated

Challenges of oral presentation:
·         Only 12-15 minutes?
·         Audience are tired, not interested?
·         You’re nervous/ tired/ inexperience
·         QA Time

1. Get your priority straight
·         Good presentation no science à waste your time
·         Bad presentation, good science à wasted opportunity
·         Bad presentation, no science à you’re a waste
·         Good presentation and good science

2. Make sure there is science first
·      Don’t present if you have nothing good...the choice may guard your reputation/  
·      Never assume your audience is ignorant

3. Your audience is BOSS
·         Respect their present +attention
·         What type of conference? Wide? Specific?

4. Start with structuring
·         Divide your presentation into section and allocate number of slides + timing for each section.
·         General structure
        -          Present what you are going to present
        -          Present it
        -          Present again what you presented
·         Normal presentation:
        -          Title (not too long...try not to read the title)
         -          Outline (reveal the flow of presentation)
5. Content
  • Background (give history, problem statement, proposed solution...and not too much information)
  • Objective (highlight purpose of experiment..should be 1 or 2 objective for a 15 minute)
  • Method (suitable for the research)
  • Result (audience can see clearly)
  • Discussion (focus on relevant/interesting/breakthrough data related to your title/objective and clearly know the conditions of your finding)
  • Conclusion/ Suggestion (highlight your contribution to the field and give suggest future directions)
  • Acknowledgement and Thanks you

P/S: Tq Dr Alexander for the workshop...very interesting and I really enjoy it's.. (>_<)v

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